Over the last decade, the high­er edu­ca­tion indus­try has seen rapid change as gen­er­a­tions of stu­dents demand skills and expe­ri­ences not offered in the class­room. These chal­lenges present learn­ing ser­vice providers (LSPs) the oppor­tu­ni­ty to offer non-degree cre­den­tials that help fill the gaps of what employ­ers are search­ing for and what can­di­dates can provide.

Our Mission

The Mission of the Sigma Chi Leadership Institute is to

Pro­vide high-qual­i­­ty lead­er­ship train­ing that com­ple­ments and enhances the skills and knowl­edge of Sig­ma Chi Fra­ter­ni­ty mem­bers and oth­er con­tract train­ing part­ners, expand­ing their capac­i­ty to serve as trans­for­ma­tion­al lead­ers in any indus­try and pos­i­tive­ly impact the com­mu­ni­ties around them. 

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Our Framework

Transformational Leadership

The prac­tice by which lead­ers inspire and empow­er oth­ers to inno­vate and cre­ate change that will pos­i­tive­ly impact the fra­ter­ni­ty and ulti­mate­ly the world. Our frame­work is root­ed in skills-based, hybrid learning. 

Our Impact

Real Numbers, Real Results

  • 95%

    The percentage of Fraternity alumni who indicate that SCLI curriculum contributed to their professional success
  • 75%

    The percentage of alumni who reported that their participation in curriculum contributed to growth in their job or career
  • 96%

    The percentage of Fraternity alumni who indicate that SCLI curriculum contributed to their personal success
Sigma Chi Leadership Institute

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