SCLI Board of Directors Announces New Leadership

Sig­ma Chi Lead­er­ship Insti­tute val­ues the work Gallup has com­plet­ed on Well­be­ing. Jim Har­ter, Chief Sci­en­tist of Work­place and Well­be­ing for Gallup, describes the five ele­ments of well­be­ing (Career, Social, Finan­cial, Phys­i­cal, and Com­mu­ni­ty) as,​“the uni­ver­sal ele­ments of well­be­ing that dif­fer­en­ti­ate a thriv­ing life from one spent suffering.” 

Har­ter, J. (2021). Well being: The five essen­tial ele­ments. Gallup Press. 

Courses In This Solution

  • Living Well

  • Quest for Resilience

Client Story

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[The] Dis­cus­sions we had as a group in class [at KTLW] were fun. When we were pre­sent­ed with sit­u­a­tions such as drink­ing and drugs, and we were able to dis­cuss prob­lems we have had or what prob­lems are chap­ter had, it was a great time.”

Krach Transformational Leaders Workshop Participant