Assess­ments invite indi­vid­u­als to learn more about them­selves and how they work with oth­ers. Mem­bers of our team can extend, over­see and facil­i­tate the fol­low­ing assessments. 

TRA­COM Group’s SOCIAL STYLE Assessment

  • Tracom’s behav­ior assess­ment that includes four major behav­ioral styles, dri­ving, ana­lyt­i­cal, ami­able, and expres­sive. The assess­ment is called a 360-degree assess­ment, mean­ing it col­lects peer review feed­back to estab­lish an indi­vid­u­al’s SOCIAL STYLE.


  • Gallup’s tool that is designed to help uncov­er one’s giv­en tal­ents and strengths. The assess­ment is a self-assess­­ment, mean­ing an indi­vid­ual com­pletes the assess­ment to estab­lish their strengths. 

Client Story

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The social styles course was very use­ful imme­di­ate­ly, and so inter­est­ing that ver­sa­til­i­ty is some­thing that is nev­er per­fect­ed and can slip back to incon­sis­tent at any time.”

Authentic Leadership Certificate Participant