Facil­i­ta­tors are peo­ple who guide an infor­ma­tion­al exchange around a set top­ic with a desired focus and spec­i­fied learn­ing outcomes.

Mem­bers of our team are sit­u­at­ed to facil­i­tate inter­ac­tive, val­ues-based learn­ing expe­ri­ences for under­grad­u­ates and pro­fes­sion­als alike.

By the Numbers


  • 65

    The number of SCLI educational experiences our staff can facilitate
  • 4

    Assessments our staff can bring to your team

Client Story

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The dis­cus­sions real­ly helped. Facil­i­ta­tors did a great job of keep­ing the group engaged, and when that hap­pens, every­one gains something.”

Values-Based Leadership Certificate Participant