Pro­grams, or cours­es, are the build­ing blocks of SCLI certificates.

Are you inter­est­ed in a spe­cif­ic course with­out need­ing an entire cer­tifi­cate? Con­tact us to learn about your options.

Programs We Offer

Diversity and Inclusion

Advocate for Diversity and Change

Authentic Masculinity

Effective Communication and Feedback

Communicating Vision

Discover Tools and Technology

Empowering Feedback for Individual and Organizational Growth

Establish Communication Effectiveness

Introduction to Social Style

Leveraging Social Styles with Servant Leaders

Strategic Planning and Change Management

Crisis Management

Design Thinking

Facilitating Change

Innovative Leadership

Leadership Transitions

Teamwork and Collaboration

Character-Based Recruitment

Conflict & Consensus

Creating and Growing High-Performing Teams

Creative Collaboration

Followership: Serving the Vision

Maximize Productivity

Mentoring and Coaching for Optimal Performance

Restorative Justice

The Rewards and Challenges

Values-Based Leadership

Discovering Your True North

Introduction to Transformational Leadership

Introduction to Servant Leadership

SOAR 2.0: Ethical Leadership

True Brotherhood

Introduction to Values-Based Leadership


Living Well

Quest for Resilience (Q4R)



  • 65

    The number of individual programs
  • 7,632

    The number of participants since 2019

Client Story

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This pro­gram was incred­i­ble. I can’t wait to use these skills in my chap­ter and community.”

Huntsman Horizons Leadership Summit Participant