Sigma Chi Leadership Institute Course Catalog

Pro­grams, or cours­es, are the build­ing blocks of SCLI certificates. 

Are you inter­est­ed in a spe­cif­ic course with­out need­ing an entire cer­tifi­cate? Con­tact us to learn about your options. 

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Client Story

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We heard a lot of con­ver­sa­tion from Sig­ma Chi broth­ers about their expe­ri­ence lead­ing a com­pa­ny and lead­ing a team. It’s good to hear each oth­er’s voic­es and each oth­er’s expe­ri­ences, and that’s been extreme­ly help­ful It’s not just one per­son say­ing,​‘Hey, here’s the right way to do this.’ It’s,​‘Hey, let’s dis­cuss this, talk it out, and hear anoth­er per­son­‘s voice.’ To actu­al­ly be able to apply that to your life, it’s been extreme­ly valu­able to me.”

Teddy Davis

Distance Leadership Participant